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Mama's Cake Batter Cookies

Mama's Cake Batter Cookies

Merry Christmas Eve! During the holidays, I get lots of requests to bake my mama's Cake Batter Cookies (yes, I got it from my mama.) They are awesome for holiday cookie exchanges, dessert for parties or you can totally be selfish and keep them in the cookie jar at home haha. Regardless of how you use them, here’s how you can bake them. I’m not the best cook, but I’m slowly learning how to become a better baker and this recipe is super easy! 


Before you begin baking, gather your supplies. Note: You don’t need a KitchenAid mixer, but it sure does come in handy! If you don’t have one, I’ll explain how to mix it when we get there.

Powdered sugar, vanilla extract, one egg, whipped cream cheese, butter and yellow cake mix. 

Powdered sugar, vanilla extract, one egg, whipped cream cheese, butter and yellow cake mix. 

The first thing you need to do is cream together the egg, whipped cream cheese, vanilla extract, and butter together. If you keep your butter hard as a rock in the fridge like me, soften it in the microwave for about 15-20 seconds.


After those ingredients are mixed, start slowly adding the yellow cake mix until it’s blended. If you don’t have a KitchenAid mixer, use your stirring muscles or a hand held mixer to create the cookie dough. But remember: pour the cake mix slowly for easier stirring.


Once the dough has been created, put a piece of foil on top of the bowl (or create some type of lid) and stick that baby in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. If you can, leave it in there for a few hours, so the dough can properly harden. Then once it’s good to go, create little cookie balls, dip them in some powdered sugar and separate them on an ungreased cookie sheet (I like to put the dough on foil for easy clean up.)


Place the cookie sheet in the oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10-12 minutes. Once it’s finished baking, I like to add some additional powdered sugar on top because you can’t have enough powdered sugar.

Look for slightly golden brown edges, so you know it’s done. 

Look for slightly golden brown edges, so you know it’s done. 

Then, boom! You’ve got yourself some moist (I’m not a fan of that word, but it works here), delicious cake batter cookies. Enjoy!

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Mama's Cake Batter Cookies
I'm not the greatest baker, but my mama knew I couldn't mess this up. Here's her awesome cake batter cookie recipe that keeps your cookies soft and tastes freakin' delicious.
  • 1 Box Yellow Cake Mix
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 8oz. Package Whipped Cream Cheese
  • 1 Stick of Softened Butter
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract
  • About a Cup Powdered Sugar
1. Cream together the egg, whipped cream cheese, stick of softened butter, and vanilla extract2. Slowly add the cake mix until blended3. Refrigerate for a least 20 minutes4. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit 5. While the oven is pre-heating, roll cookie dough into balls then roll into powdered sugar6. Place rolled and sugared cookie dough onto an un-greased cookie sheet7. Bake cookies for 10-12 minutes
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: A little over a dozen cookies, just depends on how big you make them.
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